Monday, February 15, 2010

Kenya -- to go or not to go?

Well, Adam and I have a opportunity to go to Kenya this summer with Global Impact, the ministry with whom we worship and align ourselves these days. One of my hopes before I'm 40 is to go overseas for kingdom purposes. So, I've been asking God if I am to go or not. Of course it is really up to Him to decide, but I have been blessed beyond measure from the land of Kenya. How?

I met Jennifer and Mwanghi Waithaka in 1996 at a prayer meeting at Pullman Fousquare Church where we quickly became kindred spirits. I had a car and was able to pick up and drop Jennifer off from our weekly prayer meetings. Jennifer must have had the gift of faith, or maybe it is the type of faith we all should all have; I learned that faith truly can move mountains. Yet Jennifer, my lovely friend from Kenya, died from cancer in 2006. Her youngest son was our ring bearer and she stood with us in prayer on wedding day as well. But I know God sent Jennifer to Pullman to plow in prayer. I am convinced her 4 AM prayer walks, weeks worth of fasting, holding Friday prayer at her home caused mountains to move in Pullman. Jennifer truly inspired me to war, to win and to love as an outgrowth of prayer. She led numerous people into the kingdom, she had her own businesses in order to be able to give into kingdom pursuits and she heard the voice of God.

So, I've always felt like since Kenya blessed this land, blessed Pullman, blessed me in deeply profound ways, that maybe God would give me a chance to give back to Kenya. So, I'm asking Jesus for direction, provision and eyes to see how to bless this beautiful nation. Kenya is forever in my haert. Jennifer, I look forward to seeing you some day, my sister!

Monday, February 1, 2010

A Dream Fulfilled

2/1/10 - Day 8

I promised Vikki I would let you know which of the 12-year-old dreams I have completed before my 40th Birthday. As listed in my blog on January 24, 2010 here are the dreams I have fulfilled:

1,3, 6,7,8,12,13,15, 16,17,& 19

I’ll comment on #1 for now, and will save other stories for the many posts yet to come.

One evening in early December 2006, Lisa Laird phoned from Edmonton, Alberta. I never get calls from Canada, so I decided to pick up this call. It was toward the end of my sabbatical and I was in the middle of cooking a new Indian recipe with chickpeas. Just weeks before Urbana ‘06, Lisa invited Adam and I to be part of a prayer team to lead 20,000 Urbana Delegates in prayers of repentance. Well, I nearly fell over in my kitchen when Lisa Laird asked us to do this. But, since it was a good friend asking, and Lisa invited both Adam and Steve Luten as well, I felt much more comfortable with the notion of stepping onto the platform with 40,000 eyes peering up at us. And frankly, God reminded me of #1 on my dream list.

When I was in elementary school, I participated in spelling bees, poetry recitations, and speech contests where I would get so nervous, I nearly passed out, but I LOVED the challenge and had a burning desire to win! I was mildly addicted to the adrenaline rush of fear when I got up on a stage to compete or speak. I wondered what kind of rush it would be to speak in front of a crowd of 20,000 people – an unthinkable dream! I dreamed of giving a political speech as the first woman president, or offering words of wisdom as an inspirational business leader or perhaps a spark a revolution as a social justice advocate. All I knew is that I wanted to impact thousands of people with my words – and could I do it without passing out?

While I only had seven minutes on the platform, and I was primarily leading prayer, I still count Urbana ’06 as the fulfillment of this dream. I may not have been sharing wise business principles or offering an arousing political platform, but I am sure I am part of a revolution to change the worlds! And…I didn’t pass out!

1. Speak in front of a group of 20,000 people w/o throwing up;
2. Travel to all 50 states and every continent but the cold ones;
3. Marry a loyal man;
4. Parasail;
5. Go on a Hot air balloon ride;
6. Have a flourishing career;
7. Tithe all through my life;
8. Grow ‘in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ”;
9. Publish a book – of poetry or something else;
10. Go to Disneyland when I can remember it well;
11. Go to Japan – visit family plot;
12. Write thank you notes to people;
13. Have a positive attitude;
14. Try to live the golden rule;
15. Go to a good college;
16. take piano lessons;
17. learn to speak Spanish;
18. Help poor people in Ethiopia (or other countries);
19. Visit NY City and Washington D.C. ;
20. Grow my stuffed animal collection/save for kids

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 4 - January 27, 2010 - When I'm tired and wanna space out....

While I really wanted to just phase out and watch Gilmore Girls tonight after working 9 hours with my Alzheimer client, I got to come home and had a chance to rest for 15 minutes before a book study on Eschatology and corporate prayer gathering with the ministry Adam and I are a part of. I always know this spiritual input and output will refresh my spirit, but it took a bit to get me out of my bed. After the 3-hours of study and prayer (and what a great joy to connect through Skype with a church network in Kenya for prayer!), I have to say, it is true that the Joy of the Lord is truly my strength. I knew it in my head, but my spirit is now receiving this truth. It's always like this, isn't it!?

Afterwards, I had the energy to accomplish one of my hopes which is to pray for the people whom God has given to us as spiritual parents. Now, I am going to phase out before bed at 10:30! I'm such a night owl, but when I start work at 7:00 AM, I have to go to bed early!

Finally, God reminded of a dream I had the other night regarding a friend who lives in Thailand with a heart to take on the sex-trafficking industry through the legal system (he became a lawyer for this reason). I dreamt he had scorpions attacking his feet -- I looked up "Scorpions" in and found that they are written about more than I would've imagined. LOL! I guess the Bible is mostly set in desert areas! The scorpion represents: fear, intimidation, and rebellion. Whew! I learned something new today as I prayed for my friend's feet to be protected from these spiritual attacks. God gave me strength through His joy to send a prayer to this friend in potential spiritual crisis. Will you join me in praying for him?

So, I praise God for the HIS joy which feeds my spirit and gives my weary body a boost.

This blog is helping me stay focused on the things that really nmatter because you all provide a certain amount of accountability to me! Yay!

Love you!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 3 - January 26, 2010 -- Taming the Tongue

I'm on my way to bed but wanted to make sure I wrote my post for today. I will answer Vikki's question regarding how many dreams I've completed on my 12-year old list in a later post. For tonight, I am proud of myself for choosing to workout after being gone from home from 6 AM-6 PM this evening. I checked out a "Balance Ball Cardio-Strength" dvd from the library and worked out for an hour -- whew! I'm shooting for a minimum of 4 workouts/week --- I'm gonna be sleek on my 40th b-day!

AND -- I consciously thanked my husband for downloading music to my new computer and did not mention a WORD about the dirty dishes left on the countertops nor the stinky, gooey rag left in the bottom of the kitchen sink instead of rinsed and hung neatly to dry. I did it! I let go something left 'undone'(and in my book, rather unsanitary) and praised him for something he did.

Finally, my "THANK YOU, LORD!" for the day is as follows: I am utterly grateful for a sound mind, good hearing, and that I can walk. I work with an Alzheimer's client, and it was a tough day. When Mrs. "M" is lucid, she is the sweetest, most gentle-mannered woman. Yesterday I had a peak for the first time at her natrual personality, the one untouched by Alzheimers. Then, within hours, she slipped back into a woman who cannot accurately perceive my words nor can she communicate what she wants to say. The words don't match her meaning at all, but I can pick out her emotion. Yesterday she went from smiling and laughing to hitting and kicking when a nurse came to change a pain patch on her back. It is hard to watch, but Jesus is blessing my life through 92-year-old, Catherine "M" day-by-day.


Monday, January 25, 2010

My "Thank You Lord" for the day

January 25th, 2010 Day 2

Today I woke up and as one of my desires is to train myself to wake up with a very strong heart of Thankfulness toward Jesus, I want to share with you my THANK YOU's for today:

1. My dad remembered to call for the second time in my life on my birthday! You may read more about my dad in later blogs, but for now, just know that we didn't spend much time together after the age of 12. He is not malicious or mean-spirited, just clueless and self-oriented. I know he emotionally cares about me, but does not know how to be a good dad. I've had my issues with him, but forgiveness and acceptance have kept me at peace. Jesus has been my Abba, a true Father to me.

2.I am so thankful Lord, that we have strong buildings and infrastructure in our nation. As I continue to watch the news about Haiti, I am grateful for our nation. My heart wells up with tears and reaches out to the people of Haiti in prayer and love. I asked God if we should try to go and help in some way, but felt released to only give financially and in prayer. Lord, bless the people, the nation of Haiti. Please help them see your love and glory in miraculous ways!

3. Receiving Facebook greetings reminded me of different ways God has sent key people in my life over the last 38 years. He's also allowed me to invest in many lives with the power of the kingdom of God, the love of Jesus Christ and I've gotten to see eternal destinies shift. I've seen lives changed in front of my very eyes. This is my life purpose and constant dream -- only more, bigger and deeper. Lord, Thank you for Facebook and reminders of your goodness!

This is my blog for today. Thanks for reading!

Two years and counting


At this very moment I have 729 days, 32 min. until I hit the "big-four-ohhhh…!” My friends and family who have turned 40 say it is really different than other birthdays, and who am I to question my elders or the voice of wisdom? So, I am going to do what I did when I was 12: write a list of dreams* for when I turn 40. When I was 12, 40 seemed liked FOREVER away. Looking back, I should‟ve entitled the list my „lifetime dream list,” but who has any concept of time when you‟re twelve?
So, I want to invite you, the reader, to join me on the road to turning 40. I am going to create a new “list of dreams,” and this time, I have 2 years to put it into practice. I‟m not going to write a list of „goals‟ even though I am goal-oriented. I work better if I live out my „dreams;‟ I am more inspired by dreams than tasks. Maybe it‟s just a game of semantics, but it works for me! Plus, I have a feeling my “dream list” is going to include dreams revolving around principles and improving my character, not just tasks. This list will inspire me to live a life with no regrets, it will put me on a path „over the hill” to a happy ending.
By sitting down and launching this blog, I have already accomplished one of my hopes: enter the “blogosphere.” I am generally about 3 (or is it 10?) years behind social networking trends, but alas…here I am. Not bad for a 38 year-old, huh?
First order of business: write my list. I have had ideas swarming around in my head all day, but I need to narrow it down to twenty, far-reaching, but realistic dreams. Here it goes! Drum roll please (not necessarily in any given order):
1. Enter the blogging world (and keep up on it!);
2. Train myself to wake up with a „Thank You Lord” every morning;
3. Go overseas at least one time for a faith-based purpose;
4. Launch some kind of business (?);
5. Write an old-fashioned, hand-written letter an average of 1x/month (I should have written 24 by the time the two years are up!);
6. Workout 4x/week at least 30 min./day;
7. Memorize the following scripture passages: Psalm 23, John 17, and 2-others tbd;
8. Learn to invest in the stock market (and save $ to invest – do it!) or other key financial arenas;
9. Watch/read/listen to the news at least 1x/day;
10. Compliment my husband on what he has done, not point out what I‟d still like to be done!
11. Focus my prayers/attention on the people I feel God has called me to pray regularly for and invest in as a mentor;
12. Grow closer to the people in our house-church network – be intentional about sending a personal e-mail or phone call 1x/every two weeks
13. Pray with my husband on Christmas mornings (this is our new tradition);
14. Go see a ballet or opera;
15. Put together a type of curriculum for mentoring/structure for training people I‟m mentoring (i.e. figure out what is really key to me and what would I teach?);
16. Pray about our purpose/let God lead us through this transition time – launch a „house-church?;
17. Grow in gifts of the Spirit: Particularly be intentional about deliverance and „power evangelism” (put myself in a posture to grow/receive/learn – how to pray for miracles?);
18. Go to one marriage retreat/or read a book together;
19. Cook something new and fun at least 1x/month;
20. Lose 20 lbs. and improve health by shedding weight.
So that‟s my list. Some dreams are measurable, others are going to be slightly more subjective! I‟m not really sure where we‟ll be going exactly, but my main reasons for starting this blog are accountability, focus, and to build relationship. I imagine there may be a few chuckles at my attempts and failures, some tears shed over the course of two years‟ worth of life‟s lessons and maybe even a profound insight now and then. Thank you for choosing to join me on this journey!

*My “DreamList for When I Turn 40” (written at age 12)
1. Speak in front of a group of 20,000 people w/o throwing up;
2. Travel to all 50 states and every continent but the cold ones;
3. Marry a loyal man;
4. Parasail;
5. Go on a Hot air balloon ride;
6. Have a flourishing career;
7. Tithe all through my life;
8. Grow „in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ”;
9. Publish a book – of poetry or something else;
10. Go to Disneyland when I can remember it well;
11. Go to Japan – visit family plot;
12. Write thank you notes to people;
13. Have a positive attitude;
14. Try to live the golden rule;
15. Go to a good college;
16. take piano lessons;
17. learn to speak Spanish;
18. Help poor people in Ethiopia (or other countries);
19. Visit NY City and Washington D.C. ;
20. Grow my stuffed animal collection/save for kids